Monday, August 20, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Who's Now...who cares

Monday, August 13, 2007
John Daly: Well-rounded
Not only can Big John Daly go on casino binges and spend all day smoking, he can also sing.
Brady Quinn's Training Camp Diary: Day 3

John Daly: Just Like You And Me
But with the recent news of Daly's preparation for the recent PGA tournament, he has taken over sole position as my favorite golfer.
According to the NY Times:
"He prepared for the 89th P.G.A. Championship at Southern Hills by skipping the practice rounds in favor of casino binges. While others hydrated with cold water and colorful sports drinks during Thursday’s steamy first round, Daly downed diet soda and took pulls from a cigarette."

I knew Daly was special when I saw him try to drive a golfball over Niagara Falls a few years back. I can see how that was set up now. A drunk Daly tells his buddies he can drive a ball over Niagara Falls....
Daly: Man, jew check em tits out on our waitress? hoooo-dooog!
(oh yeah. by the way, they're at Hooters)
JD cronie1: John, you could hit that shit. No doubt in my mind! HHOOOWWWLLL!
JD cronie2: JD you got anymore smokes?
Daly: Yeah, but only like 6, and I need em fer later.
JD cronie1: Holy Shit! Did you just see that?
Daly: What? Did some chick's tit pop out? Dammit, I always miss it!
JD cronie1: No John, I just saw Michael Vick on tv throw a football out of the stadium!
JD cronie2: Yeah I saw it on this tv, that was fuckin nuts!
Daly: Oh yeah? Well... I could hit a golfball over Niagara Falls.
Shadowy Figure: Care to put your money where your mouth is?
Daly: Go away, Berman. We're just talking.
Shadowy Figure: Fine, but ESPN will give you $50,000 just to attempt, and a job as a golf analyst if you can do it.
Daly: Careful Berman, I might miss on purpose.
Daly: Yeah, we should head for the strip-club, it's 9:00, they're going to start worrying about me.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Jim Rome is Struggling

The Acquisition Of Kige Ramsey
Visor Vs. Baby Duck Hat
Pac 10 Preview
Brady Quinn's Training Camp Diary: Day 2

Pacman Jones Makes Wrestling Debut
"Pacman is coming to Hard Justice,'' Jones said. "Pacman is coming to TNA''
I assume his finishing move will be called the Rain Maker, and he will be escorted to the ring by strippers as he showers them with hundred dollar bills. He'll then yell at them and spit in their face as he gets in the ring. Kind of like me at bars in Kansas City.

Visor Vs. Foam Dome
Hammerin' Hank Not Impressed, Sleepy

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Jason Garrett Will Beat An Ass
Everybody's thinking it and I'm saying it. The Cowboy's will win the Super Bowl this year based on the fact that they whipped the shit out of he defending champs. Preseason be damned. A win is a win. No matter the Colts have gone 1 and 10 in previous preseason games, these games are a clear cut indication of how they will fare come Sunday.
The Jets and Falcons are playing tomorrow. If you expect coverage from this outlet, you might as well look in Rosie O'Donnell's fat ass, you'd have better luck finding it there.
Monster Trucks!
Jamaica Rector! Tony Ugoh! It's Cowboys-Colts Preseason Football!
Cowboys Preseason Game 1 –
Yes, preseason games are terrible, but I’ve been waiting for some actual football for months now, and I can’t help but get excited about it. The only thing I really want to see is how the 1st team looks against a bunch of scrub Colt rookies, and how former Baylor Bears great Trent Shelton, looks, and if he will make the team. However, I may not make it long enough to see him play before I start playing FIFA and/or Guitar Hero.
Man I hate Everybody Loves Raymond.
Listening to the Cowboys radio pre game show, I’ve always thought Larry Brown was overrated as a Cowboy. He had two passes thrown right to him for picks in a Super Bowl, which he parlayed into a big contract with the Raiders where he absolutely blew. However, he is a pretty good radio host.
Over/Under on time FOX spent on the opening montage is at 15 minutes, all of which was dubbing in those scary looking black question marks.
Damn, I thought this was going to be a local broadcast. Nope, Joe Buck.
This joke is played out, but Wade Phillips may or may not have bigger boobs than Bill Parcells.
The big question that the sports analyst like to talk about this year is how you keep all the offensive weapons on the Cowboys happen. Did they even watch last season? It’s the same freaking team. They’ll probably have 2 1000 yard receivers and a running back by committee again this year, and its not like Whitten didn’t have 75 catches last year either.
Is there a less successful play in the NFL than the half back toss? In 7th grade, its usually safe to toss it to your 6’2” black dude and let him run people like me over (as we turn and run away of course), but when everyone is the same size its different. Yet teams always do it.
Romo completely misses a wide open Jason Whitten, instead overthrowing Terrell Owens. I imagine it’s a race thing, being that Romo’s great-great uncle was black.
I think a cool first name would be Shark. I don’t know why, but with the names these days, I think it could work.
Cowboys settling for a field goal. I imagine that is it for the first team. Not a bad drive, but the fake reverse/hand off to Barber loss for 5 yards really killed the drive. Not sure why would you run a trick-ish play when the yards were coming so easy. Oh well. 3-0
There’s your first shot of the Cowboys crazy ass Wade Phillips 3-4 blitzing defense. A wide open Marvin Harrison for a first down. Fuck you Parcells.
Roy Williams seemed to pick up right where he left off last year. Big play for
Nice break up by Anthony Henry, who gets some shit but he had the most balls thrown to him of any cornerback in the league last year. (Or something like that)
Shawn Andrus hits the field goal, trying to earn a spot on the Indianapolis Arena League 2 team.
Peyton Manning looks like a tool wearing his visor, an ugly one at that. I am a Manning fan, but he would look cooler wearing a sombrero on the sidelines than that visor.
Second thought, Phillips boobs are smaller than Parcells.
Romo is back, make that the first of hundreds of errors on my part this season.
Personal foul on Jeff Charleston. Nothing says I am an intense guy looking to make the team than an unnecessary stupid hit on a QB already lying on the turf.
FYI – Leonard Davis has 21 brothers and sisters. Rumors that he may have eaten 2 or 3 of them at birth, alligator style, have not been confirmed.
Romo is 8-9 for 80 yards against a make shift Colts defense. I once scored 14 points as an 8th grader against a private school varsity girls basketball team. If there’s a difference in the two performances, I don’t see it.
3rd down in the red zone in the 2nd quarter of the first preseason game. This play screams Fumblerooski.
Ok, I am tired of thinking of not funny things to say. I may have some more later when Trent Shelton gets in the game.
Brady Quinn's Training Camp Diary: Day 1
"He was really sweet when we first got started, but then I noticed all the pictures on his wall were of himself. I asked him where he got his glamour shots taken, because I am in need of some recent photos showing off my new boob-job. Then he looked at me and asked if I would put my thumb in his ass...it was wierd."
The following morning, after Brady went to practice, TheSkank stole a bunch of his shit. One item of intrest was his diary which she says was wrapped in his Notre Dame letterman jacket, which she also stole. Thanks TheSkank.
Here is the First entry in Brady Quinn's Trainning Camp Diary...
Day 1:
Diary, I am sooooo F'n excited! The Browns finally signed me and I got to report to training camp today. All the guys here are being super-nice to little ol' me. Although they did bunk me up with that shit-lips Joe Thomas, he dresses like a lumberjack, I swear he has like a billion plaid shirts. I don't know why they picked his lard ass over my well trained physique. I guess they like guys who don't care what they're wearing in public. Ohhhhh! speaking of which, Tom Brady got "Best-Dressed Man." I'm looking forward to playing them this season. Maybe they'll let me play a little defense so I can get on the bottom of the pile and see what he's packing... you'll be the first to know Diary. Well I've got to go to a team meeting, catch up with you later!
Welcome all to the newly chartered sport blog, Stop! Or Tank Johnson Will Shoot. The idea for this site was the brainchild of Shep (http://its-shep.blogspot.com), Ed ( http://peoplecallmeedgar.blogspot.com), and Fred. Three individuals who, if we had a choice, would spend most days drinking, playing yeah-boo, and systematically planning the demise of guys who use gel in their hair.
What to expect: This blog and its contributors are here for one reason and one reason only, to acquire press passes to the Super Bowl in Dallas. If I wanted to entertain people, I'd head to a Karaoke bar and drink 12 beers. The entertainment factor is what you, the reader, make of it. If you like when it when I call Pacman Jones a "Self-serving thug with dogshit for brains," then this blog might just be what you're looking for.
Who we are: These are the main contributors to this blog. They are not, by any means, writers, analysts, or any other form of respected media. A good term is vulture, these guys are vultures.
Ed: Author of "If You're Not Bored It's A Waste Of Time" Ed is known for his quirky articles on subjects including Fantasy Football, Hurricane Katrina, Drunken Insanity, and Shitty Action Movie Reviews.
Shep: Author of "The Shep Blog" and "Recipe for a Turkey Island Fantastico" he is also a self-serving thug with dogshit for brains.
Fred: Amateur movie critic and self-proclaimed observational psychologist, Fred's pessimistic view leaves you thinking no one is going to be good ever. The Dallas Cowboys will be lucky if they aren't murdered in the preseason by a disgruntled Drew Bledsoe, if they survive that, then they might make the playoffs.
There you have it, we are looking forward to the upcoming football season and the dumb shit Terrell Owens will undoubtedly say.
SOTJWS staff